Friday, April 4, 2014

Ask Google!

My former boss once told me not to ask him any silly questions since ‘Google’ is everybody’s friend. I wondered what the guy meant since most of the answers I needed do not exist in Google’s database. I had serious issues trying to blend up with him as much as he loved me and always wanted me to be with him. I overheard two of my colleagues discuss how they got his favour after giving him gifts. I simply took a cue, got him a gift set, with tie, cufflinks and pocket handkerchief. He appreciated it but subtly insulted my sense of intelligence! Thereafter, he gave me an assignment and Google didn’t provide satisfactory answers. He had ordered me to 'ask google', hence my reluctance to meet him for further clarifications. Then my head opened up to a solution.
Is there a problem you currently encounter at home or at work? What have you done in your search for a solution? Before you continue reading, please write out three of such efforts.
Pause and write… Is that all you could have done?
Now the solution… I walked up to his personal assistant and complained. He simply beamed a ray of smile at me and said “by Google, boss-man means ask the relevant authority, which might be at times. Ask someone around you who ‘Google’ could be, depending on the problem you are to solve”. Excitement engulfed my soul so I “asked Google”. In less than thirty minutes, the report was set. Boss said “well done, Google never fails”.
If you are yet to solve that work based riddle, I suggest you ask Google. Locate someone or a link which would help. Sometimes, you may have to ask someone, who might know someone who knows another person, who has an answer to your riddle.
How do you find your way around Lagos. Use Google maps and also do not ignore ‘Human Google’; those are bus conductors. I later asked my boss’ wife what the best gift to give her husband was. She said it’s best to give him a gift set with a touch of green colour. Even if the gift is not green, write a note with green ink. Little wonder he insulted me when I gave him a gift set some time ago. I should simply have asked ‘Google’.

It’s important to ask the right questions when in search of a solution. No one knows it all. Please ask ‘Google’.


  1. Nice write up ... "Conventional wisdom" demystified!

    1. Yeah, right. If we always think we know it all we tread the "ww.that's it" when questions are posed at us.

  2. Today's society has become so individualistic that we attempt surviving alone because it would paint us as people dependant on others. I like Human google many times - @nifemi_love

  3. You are right boss. Many of us must divorce pride...thanks for that comment sir.
